'Virtual reality, crime and empathy'
“VR at its best shouldn’t replace real life; just modify it, giving us access to so much just out of reach physically, economically. If you can dream it, VR can make it.”
- Matthew Schnipper
Virtual criminality is when an individual performs an offence inside a virtual vicinity setting. Feasible circumstances are when a group of people are immersed, but a participant is hurt or traumatised because of wrongful activities from another in this environment. Is this a potential effect in a virtualized zone and could result in mental anguish for users? A dispute about the possibility of virtual criminality is in infancy but we ponder – if it’s plausible.
Virtual reality has prospective advantages for the user in pro-social behaviours.
Recent studies show higher empathy levels concerning people with disabilities in virtualized scenarios, esteem for the environment, and a desire to assist others is present. These pro-social activities are vital as virtual reality intends to show visions of worldly epidemics and helping people understand conflicts present in others. Revamp behaviours, values and perceptions with potentially converting attitudes in relation to discrimination, racism, bullying and apathy. Help us feel empathy towards people in worlds that are very unknown or different to our own. This machine connects humans to other humans in exceptional way, below Chris Milk verifies my ideology.
“So, it’s a machine, but through this machine we become more compassionate, we become more empathetic, and we become more connected. And ultimately, we become more human.”
- Chris Milk
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Chris Milk - TED2015

Chris Milk - TED2015
The next phase of technological innovation has transpired in not so fashionable flair. Virtual reality (VR) is an immersive computerised multimedia simulation which helps the user experience three-dimension environments. Additionally how a subject would encounter virtual reality is by special electronic apparatus named Oculus Rift, or a glove fitted sensor reaction. The affair would engross the user interactively in a seemly physical and existent environment, whereby this optical illusion replicates mankind’s majestic landscapes, in addition to beautiful real world and imaginative adventures. However, this new agile computerised software has come under intense scrutiny in the past. Is Virtual reality a benign influence in our existence with no potential complications, or are there moral and ethical worries regarding human behaviour in virtual settings.
The ethical/moral difficulties are divided into two segments – Desensitisation of virtual reality and virtual criminality. Desensitisation is when anxiety is lessened by eventually becoming utilized towards a predicament which causes fear, alarm and dismay – exposing our subconscious in the direction of fearful conditions in a process of stages.
Compassion and empathy will be absent in this virtualized brainwave that could produce a scenario of adrenaline rush or a sensation of power or authority. Gaming previously has distinguished acts of violence due to first person shooting games of a highly immersive intensity. Moreover a paramount concern is ‘cyber-addiction’ which demonstrates that the user develops dependency – a consequence of failing to separate from real life surroundings and an illusive virtual life. Virtual reality will transform the gamer paradigm, but an injurious decrease in real world activity could materialise.

Charles Manson Artwork

San Francisco Artwork

Charles Manson Artwork
“Denial may be neither a matter of telling the truth nor intentionally telling a lie. There seem to be states of mind, or even whole cultures, in which we know and don’t know at the same time.” ― Stanley Cohen
Moral Panic,
Mainstream Media
and Banksy!
The public predominantly incorporates the masses in widespread society; limitations would never exceed one specific group. Media is the communicative research that influences the public’s views on mediums such as newspapers, radios and television. Moral panic is a phrase that portrays media presentation that manipulates society to become panicky and perplexed. Statistics, information, and pop culture formulate a paradigm for moral panics to exist; the essence of the invitation was created by mankind.
Hegemony is the dominance from corporate elites over man; they infiltrate the production of society’s values and norms in this structure. Marxism predicated the perception of politics is orchestrating control on erroneous ideas of democracy and the illusion of freedom of choice. Mainstream media provides society with the general depiction of ethics – Work hard, achieve goals, marriage, and prosperity. Whereby Marxists perceive these ubiquitous issues are the detachment in society; so corporation entities can endure power. Perpetuate fear with occurrences produced by media outlets amplify moral panics on society, additionally they attain domination. Such fears and alarms construct mankind to desire additional officers of the law so further protection will be obtained; nevertheless this is entirely a scheme to manufacture extra dominance.
Banksy is a subjective street artist from England; the political activist with a secretive identity has endured fascination from all around the globe. War, poverty and control are Banksy’s subject matter as he reveals the media authoritative power from his satirical street art. Whereby mass media’s agenda is to reveal Banksy’s identification, yet the subject’s awareness of paramount issues manufactures Banksy’s hidden agenda to become even more commanding.
The essence of Banksy’s moral imperative is to create awareness in society of current omnipresent world problems; additionally these flamboyant pieces obligate us to stop and think. Media outlets are persistent in pursuing the reveal of the acclaimed street artist; however his persona remains to intrigue mankind. As the ‘Banksy Effect’ inspires the globe, his acclaim has evolved into an entirely new art subculture; which materialised from his powerful and controversial stencil artwork. Rendering significance behind Banksy’s profound imagery proposes a message the artist requires to convey; Set moral boundaries.
As Banksy provides referral to Charles Manson (above image); this imposing design conveys the prevalent message of our contemporary poisonous social structure. Which interprets that evil would prowl on each street corner, the piece supplies insight into whom we trust in this world. Trust is the illusion; Strive for peace.
Created in San Francisco, Banksy urges the on-looking spectator to question the western world’s governmental problem solving methods. On the contrary resorting to the amelioration of approaches – don’t employ the violent conclusion that the elites are fascinated by.
Presently moral panics are ludicrous challenges man encounters; nevertheless we should not live in a society of fear and despair – despite the fact that the media expresses illusionary accounts continuously. Preoccupy yourself with empathy, compassion for the masses and an improved world.
“You owe the companies nothing. You especially don’t owe them any courtesy. They have re-arranged the world to put themselves in front of you. They never asked for your permission; don’t even start asking for theirs.” ― Banksy
Artificial Intelligence Vs Mankind

Andrew McAfee, Jun 10, 2013

Andrew McAfee, Jun 10, 2013
“If you don’t want a generation of robots, fund the arts!” – Cath Crowley
The preservation of automation will pursue advancement in our contemporary workforce. Whereby will society attain a positive active role from automation; by decreasing damages and increase gains, additionally as technology proceeds should mankind decline or take charge? As prior common jobs vanish and replaced by robots; the impulse of automated work continues to prosper with a formula of daily tasks are affected by artificial intelligence. Furthermore, as driverless cars inhabit our cities, the diminishment of human jobs surely cannot be that substantial.
Advancements of robots we have envisioned a sizeable rise in sectors such as healthcare and manufacturing. Benefits of the productivity are perceptibly evident with robots eliminating human error and achievement of a higher accuracy of tasks. Whereas the noticeable enhancements are damaging to the average human, the severity of the situation continues to expand as quality and quantity is the essence of a robots expertise. In addition artificial intelligence averts the human race from conducting dangerous task, as they amplify the protection of work with an eradication of unsecure jobs. Robots will minimize waste, as corporate giants prosper from reducing compensation as injuries will be eliminated and utilization of materials weakens.
”It is tough to make predictions especially about the future” – Yogi Berra
An economists Andrew McAfee argues that the innovation of automation will replace jobs and science fiction technology will inhabit our future. McAfee visions the age of the technical unemployment is imminent, as the emergence of machines demonstrates efficient progress such as responding, conversing, listening, and writing; thus still obtaining new advancements. McAfee explains his theory on the ‘Machine Age’ which inherits abundance and provides our economic system will prosper from it. The economists visualizes that artificial intelligence will not seize jobs in the approaching future. Whereas McAfee clarifies our destiny is in infrastructure, entrepreneurship and accurate educational evolution. I provide that considering all avenues the ‘Machine Age’ is upon us, but the emergence of artificial intelligence is forthcoming and mankind is required to focus on unique talents and abilities. Although humankind's omission and decision making capacity will be an essential element in divergent sectors.
A study by McKinsey Global Institute has predicted by 2025, robots are deemed to eliminate 40-75 million employees worldwide in service and industrial roles. Multinational corporations are investing excessively in robotics and they estimate by 2017 the motion will be realistic.
I believe the adoption of artificial intelligence is a necessity for evolution to continue; in advance the betterment of weakened areas in humanity can escalate. Opportunity arises for the masses to emphasise on creativity and problem solving. Thus automation triggers innovation and creative thinking in mankind; in addition evaporates repetitious burdens that has depressed generations for centuries.